What to Expect at Your First Orthodontic Appointment?
Orthodontics is the treatment of jaw and teeth irregularities. There are numerous factors that can cause teeth and jaw misalignment, including improper development of the jawbone and crooked teeth. Muscle tissue, lips, tongue, and cheek can contribute to this dental health issue. In addition, other general causes include bone disease, tooth loss, and injury. Severe misalignment of the jaw and teeth can cause problems when you speak, breathe, and chew. This can affect your physical and psychological well-being. In the long run, jaw and teeth irregularities can increase the risk of tooth decay (cavities) and gum disease. The medical term for misaligned teeth is malocclusion.
According to research, there are various signs and symptoms of malocclusion:
– Discomfort when chewing or biting
– Abnormal alignment of teeth
– Mouth breathing
– Abnormal appearance of the face
– Speech difficulties, including lisp
If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s important to book an appointment with a professional orthodontist in Gresham Oregon.
What to Expect at the First Orthodontic Appointment?
An orthodontist will play a significant role in restoring your beautiful smile. There are various things that you should expect during the first appointment. These things include the following:
1. Medical and Dental History
A professional orthodontist will provide you with paperwork to complete your medical and dental history. This piece of information can influence your treatment plan. Therefore, ensure you fill out the correct details pertaining to your dental health and overall well-being. A comprehensive dental history can significantly aid case selection, treatment planning, and malpractice defense. The orthodontist will analyze your medical and dental history to develop the best treatment plan. For instance, the orthodontist can evaluate both Invisalign and braces to identify the best solution to your problem. The dental records incorporate various aspects, including the last time you had x-rays and the last time you consulted a dentist. Medical and dental history plays a major role in the decision-making process, especially when it comes to treatment. Different people have different medical and dental issues; therefore, the orthodontist will opt for a solution that matches your dental health problem.
2. Oral Imaging and Examination
Oral examination and imaging are vital parts of the orthodontic consultation process. This session allows the orthodontist to identify other issues that may lack in your dental history. For instance, you might tooth decay that needs filling and must be done before incorporating braces. The oral examination may have various aspects:
– Dental imaging
– Dental molding
– X- rays
– Advanced 3-D scanning
– Visual inspection
X-rays can show gum disease, tooth decay, tumors, and fillings. In addition, dental radiographs can help the orthodontist to change your soft and hard tissues. In children, the main purpose of radiographs is to analyze the growth and development of the teeth and jawbone. An advanced 3-D scan enables the orthodontist to view dental anatomy from various angles. A 3-dimension scan can give the dentist a better view of your bone structure, including adjacent root positions. There are things that you should do when preparing for a dental examination: wear comfortable clothing and remove metal objects, such as glasses, jewelry, dentures, and hairpins. Visual inspection in dentistry presents good accuracy in the detection of lesions in the permanent and primary teeth.
3. Discovery and Treatment Plan
Next, the orthodontist will determine the best treatment plan to achieve a beautiful smile. The dentist will opt for a treatment plan that suits your budget, the duration of treatment, and predicted results. At some point, the orthodontist must correct other dental issues that can affect the treatment plan. Depending on your medical and dental history, a treatment method will determine the duration you’ll need to attain your dental goals. Sometimes, the orthodontist may not recommend braces, but other options are easier and more effective. In addition, there are aspects of the examination that’ll signify that you aren’t eligible for an orthodontist treatment. For instance, the orthodontist may think the risk associated with braces outweigh the benefits, especially if you have minor issues. In this case, Harmony orthodontics in Sandy, Oregon, will give you tips that’ll help you achieve an impressive smile within a short span.
4. Questions and Answers
Oral examination and imaging are vital parts of the orthodontic consultation process. This session allows the orthodontist to identify other issues that may lack in your dental history. For instance, you might tooth decay that needs filling and must be done before incorporating braces. The oral examination may have various aspects:
– Dental imaging
– Dental molding
– X- rays
– Advanced 3-D scanning
– Visual inspection
This session is quite important because it helps the patient understand the treatment procedure. A professional orthodontist will give you sufficient time to ask your questions based on the findings. In addition, he or she will address the issue deeply until you’re satisfied. The orthodontist can offer you some educational materials that contain information about the service that you’ll be receiving. Some of the questions that you can consider asking the orthodontist include the following:
– How long will braces treatment take?
– What are the key benefits of Invisalign and braces?
– What’s the cost of the treatment option?
– What types of braces do you have?
– Do you have to make lifestyle changes?
Ensure you ask questions associated with the treatment plan.
5. Insurance and Finances
Once you’re fully satisfied with the treatment plan, the orthodontist will discuss insurance and payment options. The cost may differ from one, depending on the situation. For instance, if you have other dental health problems, such as cavities, the cost of treatment will be higher. No matter the cost, the orthodontist will give you an array of options that suit your needs. In addition, the office will review your insurance coverage and determine the best course of action. There are various ways of financing; therefore, choose an option that fulfills your tastes and preferences.
6. Schedule Your Next Appointment
After the initial consultation, the orthodontist will schedule your next appointment to begin your treatment plan. Identify the best date and time for the appointment to reduce inconveniences. If you don’t have underlying dental issues, you can return after a few days. This can be termed as an observation or recall appointment.
Orthodontics is an essential dental health solution that’ll restore your beautiful smile. If you’re a Sandy and Gresham, Oregon resident, opt for Harmony Orthodontics. Our experts will examine your dental health problem and recommend the best treatment plan.