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Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic Surgery

This procedure is often referred to as entire jaw treatment or corrective jaw treatment. This procedure is intended to treat a patient’s jawline and jawbone for various disorders. However, they are connected to problems with structure, development, and airways. It takes orthognathic treatment to realign the misaligned mandible bones. You benefit from a corrected jaw in many ways, including eating and ingesting. This procedure alters your jawbone while also enhancing your structure and facial look. Patients with major biting issues not resolved by orthodontics benefit from jaw operations.

A misaligned mandible may affect your ability to bite, swallow, and speak. This operation requires orthodontics therapy, which will require time to recuperate. Your fang is getting ready for mandible operation. A patient does not plan for jawbone issues because they may exist during childbirth. But your mandible’ reactions to accidents and other health conditions may also be the root of these issues.

Examples of Genetic Jaw Issues

Patients may experience hereditary jaw problems, such as malocclusion. However, they are linked to a general health condition. Here are a few instances of hereditary jaw issues.

  • Cross Bite- A person with a crossbite has some bottom teeth that extend above the top tooth’s front surfaces.
  • Open Bite- When a person shuts their mouth, multiple teeth do not seem close together, resulting in an open bite.
  • Underbite- A person with an underbite has bottom teeth that are protruding forward, giving the impression that the mandible is being forced outward from the mouth.
  • Palate- This occurs when your mouth and face do not form as they should.

Everything You Need to Know Before Having a Jaw Surgery

When undergoing treatment, it is appropriate for a person to have a clear understanding of what can be accomplished and what is required. When you decide to get a jaw operation, take into account the before and after pictures of your face. Evaluate the afterthought statute and your expectations for your jaw operation with your medical physician. Given that every patient’s mandible has a unique condition, your doctor should explain what they believe is best for you to do to correct the condition.

Before suggesting orthognathic surgery, be sure your doctor knows your specific objectives. Your overall health, as well as your fixed wellness with regard to your jaw trouble, should be configured. Keep in mind that an orthognathic operation is a lengthy procedure that requires months to complete. Asking inquiries regarding the operation will help you become more knowledgeable about the mandible operation. It would be best if you were informed of the pre-surgery, post-surgery, and recovery orthodontics. Understanding this helps you prepare for what to expect because it can require a long-term commitment.

Orthognathic Surgery Types

This procedure eliminates problems that could cause your jaws to protrude slightly or significantly. Think about orthognathic surgery if you wish to balance out your facial features. The most common orthognathic surgeries include:

  • Mandibular Osteotomy- When your lower jaw sticks out too much or too little, Orthognathic surgery called a mandibular osteotomy is done.
  • Maxillary osteotomy is an orthognathic surgery that corrects a crossbite and an open bite when your top jaw plunges out too much or too little.
  • The jaw problem known as bilateral osteotomy involves both jaws. Another name for it is dual-jaw operation.

What Happens After Orthognathic Operation

A person will be required to spend time in the hospital for a few days so that the medical providers monitor their progress. A patient might experience numerous recovery procedures, which include the following:

  • Throughout the procedure, a plastic slat is inserted in their mouth. The slat aids the patient’s mouth in conditioning their mandible muscles to the new posture.
  • You will need to rest with your head up since the face will be attractive and puffy.
  • To treat discomfort and prevent infections, medical practitioners will prescribe medication.
  • For numerous weeks as you heal, you will consume just the prescribed liquids.
  • Your medical professionals might be compelled to recommend communication methods because of the inflammation and the splint in your mouth.
  • After around eight months, your doctor will remove the plastic splint from your mouth.
  • After the operation, you should wear aligners for roughly 6 to 9 months.
  • It would be best if you used repositionable retainers after removing your braces to maintain the alignment of your teeth.


When you plan on orthognathic operation, focus on how they can solve conditions caused when your upper and lower mandibles do not line up as you expected, this is an option when orthodontic treatment has not solved your situation.